Sunday, March 15, 2009

Green Bean Tee Pee

I have had small container gardens in the past, but that stopped a few years ago when a dog who shall remain nameless (you know who you are) started systematically pulling the plant markers and then the seedling out of the pots. I don't know why said dog would think that a jalapeno pepper plant would be a good snack so it is beyond me.
Regardless, Brody is my gardening helper in the flowerbed world and really wanted to plant things to eat this year. So we got the little greenhouse last week and planted green beans and carrots to watch them grow (or hatch according to Brody). They hatched quicker than I thought, so it was time to transplant. I am taking a risk because we are not past our last frost date in Illinois, but we live on the edge. They are vining beans, so we built a trellis, planted, and rescued one that the dog decided to take for a snack. Here is Brody with his bean plants. He calls it the Green Bean Tee Pee.

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