I'm Batman
Who would have thought that $2 could provide a day's entertainment? While grocery shopping in Wal-Mart this morning, the kids and I meandered through the toy section, looking for bubble wands. What we found was a batman mask. Brody immediately needed to have it, wear it and become a super hero. We got lots of stares and lots of attention, but that's ok because we have shopped with more original accessories than this. Brody thought it was very funny to growl at others and to continually say, "Hey, kid! I'm Batman" to anyone under 12 that was taking a look at him. An older kid did call him a dork under his breath, so Brody growled at him, too. I didn't know the Caped Crusader was such an animal!

Once at home, we donned the appropriate Underoos and a cape was needed, so he wore an open trash bag for the rest of the afternoon. That child has a sense of humor.
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