Thursday, November 15, 2007

Turkey Music

Georgia participated in her first live performance tonight. The kindergarten and first grades at her new school put on a Fall/Thanksgiving music festival for their parents. It was very cute with lots of kids singing and dancing and lots of kids in varying stages of attentiveness on stage. There were many songs about fat turkeys, turkeys not wanting to be eaten, turkeys dancing, etc... She did well playing the wood block during her feature song. I had forgotten to tell Chris that she was doing this, so he was very surprised and very proud.

I was just glad that there weren't any of those recorders (the flute kind, not the recording kind) in the program. She told me that they had been practicing with them in music class. I am sorry, but those things make the worst noise. My dad thought that he would be funny and buy Georgia one when she was two years old. I thought that I would go insane. Somehow, we unfortunately lost it in the move. Sorry, Dad.

I apologize for the quality of the pictures. I was trying to take pictures around the two men who kept moving about with their video cameras. I had intended to record it, but that just didn't happen. Hopefully, will get my act together before her play next week!

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