My mom and I decided that we would take the Refinery Survivor Challenge at my gym while she was here visiting. Basically, you have to participate in five workout classes in a week to get a free t-shirt. I love a free t-shirt so why not? Let's just say that four of the five classes can be pretty intense and judging from my mom's fitness monitor that she wears while working out, you can burn upwards of 900 calories. Yeah, I like to have my mom come for a visit and WORK HER TO DEATH!!! She tried Body Pump, my regular class, and liked it. We both felt the zen calmness of Body Flow. Body Jam is a dance class that is fun, but this track moved too fast, so we looked more like epileptics than club dancers.
We almost died in Body Step, which to me, was a torturous step class. I know some people like it, but it kicked my butt! The other class was Body Combat. It is kind of like the Karate Kid meets self-defense class--on steroids. It was super fun, especially when your instructor is very enthusiastic about stomping on someone's head, chopping them in the neck, or splitting their head open with your elbows. I will definitely take that class again. Not because I am a sociopath, but because it is a fun way to get your aggression out. If you have ever tried to referee your kids fighting to the death over a crayon, you understand. Anyway, got our t-shirts.

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