Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Revlon Revenge

You know that it is going to be a bad day when the drama starts before 7:30am. I think that a two year-old's developmental gift of exploring (i.e. making messes) is there totally to drive a parent crazy. Brody is a quiet explorer. As I was putting away laundry early this morning, I noticed that I had not heard him in a few minutes. He then ran in our room with a wildly excited look on his face and reddish brown stains on his hands. I realized that the shade looked familiar and that he had secreted a lipstick out of my bathroom drawer. I saw the devastation behind him in the hallway...large amounts of lipstick on the stairway spindles and the carpet. After my small shrieking fit which brought Chris up from the basement pretty quickly, I guess Brody knew he was in trouble. "Mess", he said. Mess indeed. I need caffeine.

1 comment:

Darcie Kirby said...

The girls did the samething when they were 2. If you need help getting it out of your carpet try a bar of Ivory soap, thats what worked for us. Now that it has been a few years I can look back and laugh but at the time I was fuming mad.