Brody Turns Two
My baby is fast becoming a little boy. He is growing and growing, measuring 35 inches tall and weighing 27 pounds at his last doctor's appointment. He is talking more coherently now and often takes it up a few octives when you are trying to understand what he said, and he thinks that you are ignoring him.
He turned two today with a tiny "Cars-themed" party for the four o us. My efforts at making a Lightning McQueen cake were not so bad, even though Georgia swore the icing looked more pink than red. So out come the red sprinkles and a really red car appears. We even got fancy and had both vanilla and chocolate cake. His big sister blew out his candles because he was not moving fast enough, but he enjoyed both flavors of cake and continued to sneak more icing after he was finished.

Brody had a great time opening presents and was super-excited by all the building, car and train sets. I don't know why we keep buying things with multiple pieces, but I guess all toys come that way now and we should just give up wanting an orderly house. They seem to all want to co-mingle, so I think I need to let the toys do what they want to do and stop trying to seperate them into cute colored bins. Of course when I step on one, I just want to gather them all up and placed them in that large colored bin in the garage.
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