Peanuts and Cracker Jacks
Georgia and her brownie troop
We headed down today for our first real look at St. Louis (other than driving through on our way to Texas) to attend Girl Scout Day at Busch Stadium. Georgia's brownie troop and hundreds of other scouts were invited to walk in a parade around the perimeter of the baseball field. They
waved and I tried to get some pictures with my zoom lens from our "penthouse" seats. And by penthouse, I am referring to the altitude not necessarily the luxuriousness.
Chris and I were two of maybe ten people supporting the Houston Astros, who unfortunately lost 3-1. Georgia decided to go with the majority and root for the Cardinals.....traitor. Brody was happily entertained by his best buddy from preschool, Brandon, whose family came down with one of the other brownie families. They were much more interested in shelling roasted peanuts.
Carlie and Georgia

Chris and Kacee
Chris and the kids from the stadium
view of the Gateway Arch
Brody and Brandon
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