Saturday, May 23, 2009

Locks Given

Georgia has been bugging me to cut her hair since last summer. I love her long curls and have been very resistant. But a few months ago, I promised her that she could cut her hair once ballet was over. I had mentioned the Locks of Love program to her and after looking at the website, she decided that she would like to donate her hair to a little girl that needed it.

True to a woman on a mission, she reminded me of my promise the week of her recital and wanted to go the morning after her last performance. I reluctantly agreed, because after all, it is her hair. So without further adieu, I give you Georgia, 12 inches shorter........



Honey said...

Oh My Gosh, my Georgia Peach is growing up before my eyes! Seven and a half and even more beautiful! Locks of Love is such a great cause for her to donate her gorgeous hair.

Amy Drane said...

AWESOME! Does she love it?