Friday, February 6, 2009

Georgia's 7th B-Day Party (#2)

Jenna, Georgia, Ally, Carlie, Addison, Amaria, Lexi and Emily

Georgia's party this year was an Almost Sleepover. This is basically a slumber party where the kids don't sleep over, but they eat, make squeals that dogs can hear in the next county, run around, eat, have dramatic episodes, eat and open presents. We added manicures with sparkly decals, a movie and games to the mix. Thank goodness my mom was there to help with the "mini-spa" and had the sense to snap a few pictures. Policing 8 first graders that are beyond excited is exhausting work. Trying to keep them all in one central area was tough enough!

8 girls plus 1 Brody party crasher

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