Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mommy Martini Night..oh, an Ornament Exchange

The group of mommies that I hang out with had our 2nd annual holiday party/ornament exchange. tonight. It may sound boring, but it is an excuse to eat, get in the spirit, drink a few (or more) spirits, gossip, and talk about things that we can't around our kids. With this mix of fifteen or so gals, the conversation is always good, usually takes a turn towards the strange, and is definitely not G-rated. I have a ton of fun around these chicks and am very happy that I stumbled upon this group upon our move to Illinois.

Nancy, this year's hostess, made some awesome White Chocolate Peppermint Martinis. Of course, they had another name, but I don't remember it because I had several. It was the kind of drink that is so smooth going down, it doesn't hit you until after the second or third one.

Nancy's Peppermint Martinis

1 oz Schmirnoff vanilla vodka
1/2 oz peppermint schnapps
1/2 oz Godiva white chocolate liqueur

Combine all with ice in a martini shaker, strain and pour into glass. Garnish with a peppermint stick.

Of course the weather blew in tons of snow that had not really come all day as predicted. So at 1am, we trooped out in our high heels (some of us dummies--including yours truly) to scrape off /dig out our cars. What a buzz kill!

Dori, Amy and Trish.
Snow Pit Crew

1 comment:

Amy Drane said...

LOVE THE PICTURE!!! Snow pit crew - LOL