Sunday, August 2, 2009

When a Museum Isn't Really a Museum....

Our second day in St. Louis was comprised of a quick trip to the zoo and the City Museum, which isn't really a museum at all. It is the most creative place for kids and kids at heart that I have ever seen. Seven stories of fun kept us entertained for over four hours, although we could honestly have stayed longer. There are giant welded climbing sculptures, super-sized slides between floors, swings, hidden gerbil-like tunnels in ceilings, tree houses and even a complex maze of dinosaur caves. The kids had a blast and Chris and I challenged our older bodies to climb high and slide fast. Daredevil Brody was quickly trying slides by himself, and was eager to do the super-slide that goes from the roof and spirals seven floors to the bottom.Brody sliding by himself
Georgia and Ally navigating the stepping stones
Georgia in a "slinky" ladder into the ceiling
Georgia standing on a giant whale sculpture

Chris and Brody taking in a steep slide
Kacee in a rooftop sculpture

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That place sounds awesome! I'll have to put that on my list of things to do....