Sunday, December 14, 2008

Away From The Manger

There seems to be a criminal theft phenomenon that is purely seasonal in its occurrence......theft of Baby Jesus. You hear it on the news every year. Someone has stolen the Baby Jesus from St. Whatever's nativity display for the 9th straight year. They have made the decision to lo jack their Christ child to prevent further theft and catch the kidnappers.
My house is not immune to this petty thievery. I have an old nativity set that I played with throughout my childhood that is embedded with a child magnet. It calls to the under 10 set, begging them to play with it's paint-chipped magi, faded trees, and one-legged sheep. I bought my kids their own Little People nativity set last year to distract them, but was an effort in futility. Baby Jesus always goes missing. I have found him hanging out with Barbie, riding in a tractor and chilling in a block castle with Spiderman. Apparently the manger scene is just not that hip and the wise men and sheep are just not his kind of crowd. I am considering hot glue to curb his running away from home.
This year is different. He left a stand in. I really don't know why the King of Kings asked a lackey from an evil empire to keep his seat warm, but I guess I will have to ask him when I see him. Time to check with the Lego guys or look in the Bat Cave. WWJG? (Where Would Jesus Go?)


Tina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina said...

Now THAT is awesome!

(sorry, had to delete my last comment because of numerous typos due to hysterical laughing)

Erika said...


You crack me up! This is the most hiliarous blog entry I've seen in a long time :) I love it!!