Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vancouver, Eh?

After spending a leisurely hour and a half at the border crossing, we finally made it into Canada. I was a little disappointed that they don't stamp passports there, but whatever. They peeked in our packed minivan and quickly sped us through the checkpoint. Guess they didn't want to dive into a backseat of toys, crumbs and over-excited children!

Vancouver was pleasant. Georgia loved the Canadian money, especially their "looneys and twoneys" which are their one and two dollar coins. The dollar coin has a loon on the back, thus the "looney" and the twoney is worth two looneys and looks like a bulls eye.

Brody, G.P. & Georgia

Chris and G.P. played golf while Honey, the kids and I took this tiny Aquabus to Granville Island. I felt almost like three men in a tub, but the kids loved every minute of it. The island has this really cool market with every kind of food imaginable and tons of unique shops. Georgia was a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices to eat and I finally convinced her to try a crepe. It was as entertaining to watch them being made as they were to eat. I wish I had taken some pictures at the market, but I was too busy taking in all the colors, textures and smells. Oh, and making sure the fresh cherries that Brody was eating didn't end up on his clothes. They were so juicy, he face was literally dripping.

Later, we went to the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, which had a living maze made of evergreens and some gorgeous grounds that the kids had a blast running around in.

Georgia with a topiary "My Little Pony"

Brody & Georgia in the sculpture garden

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