The kids and I headed to the University of Illinois for the vet school's Petstravaganza for a repeat of last year. They were very excited to pet a baby horse, play with ferrets and a German Shepherd just like Howdy. Brody thought the baby boa constrictor was cool and Georgia listened to a macaw's heartbeat. We examined all sorts of pet maladies and I guessed what the dog swallowed in the x-ray booth: a bra. Keep that crazy dog of mine away from my underwear drawer or it will really be Victoria's Secret. We also saw a demonstration on microchipping, which unfortunately we know a lot about given our dog's adventures. Georgia ran the scanner over the dog's back to find it and said, "Wow, just like Wal-Mart. How much is it?"

Both wanted pictures with the Great Horned Owl. I think they thought it was fake until the head spun around. Georgia prompty told the vet student everything she had learned in her owl unit in kindergarten. "They can't move their eyes you know, that is why they move their neck all the way around." Mom, does it remind you of anyone?