Missing Something?

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1:39 PM
Upon our return home from Texas, we received a late Christmas present. The operating system to our hard drive had crashed, and of course, Chris and I (the dummy and the procrastinator--I won't say who is who) have not backed it up since before Brody was born. It is something that you always mean to do, but life tends to get in the way. So as I literally ate my heart out over not having any of Brody's birth and baby pictures, Chris took the whole thing to the Geek Squad. They did recover some things and all of my pictures up until October 2006, so I can't be too cross with them, but missing 13 months of pictures can make you kind of sick. I also lost all of my meeting minutes and a lot of recipes. We are still trying to decide if it is worth the expense to send the drive off to be dismantled and read in some sci-fi clean room.
Because of all my computer trauma, I have not wanted to even mess with the thing other than to post Christmas pictures. Even buying a new, very cool replacement computer has not cheered me up. Call me the Grinch.
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5:34 PM