Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Give the mother of the year award to someone else!
So, one of the perks of living in what was once the country, is little creatures that want to share your space. In our case, it is field mice. We noticed them coming out of the fireplace and running around the baseboards and promptly put down those gross glue boards until the exterminator could come. We caught four in all. Of course we left a few of the traps out...just in case. Brody, ever the inquisitive little man ,decided to reach way behind the bookcase to investigate this new object. Since I am still limping, I was not fast enough to stop him. And since he does not respond to "No" it was an effort in futility. He started screaming, not because he was hurt, but because his hand was completely stuck to the glue trap. Nice! I thought that I got all of it off until I later noticed that he had a crayon stuck to his hand. I started wondering how much soap it would take to get this stuff off, and then thought that maybe if it lasts until his twenties we could have him drafted as a wide receiver.
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7:11 PM